Rental system – easily build your rental business. It is flexible to build rental system for car, motorbike, yacht, boats, transportation. You can easily setup site with multiple page or landing page with elementor. Rental system is the best of rental booking wordpress theme. Support rent vehicle with these type: Day (Rental Time calculate by day) Hour (Rental Time calculate by hour) Mixed (Rental Time calculate by day & hour) Period Time (Fixed Time like 3 hour, 5 hours, 1 day, 5 days, 1 weeks, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year…) Transportation ( price from location A —> B ) Manage ID Vehicle ( Car Number Place ): The admin & customer know exactly number place of car when booking. Display ID Vehicle in Map. Check exactly available ID Vehicle. Manage Inventory: You can setup multiple ID Vehicle for a Product like a group of vehicle. Setup Price Setup Regular Price Setup Price for special time like holiday, new year, any time in year. Setup Discount depend rental duration.