You May Surf google for this answer But If You Are here then My Answer is a bit clear cant earn here unless you Don't have keen Intrest In Online Earning.
According to my Opinion Online earning will totally let you exhausht and even after You continue then There is not limit of earning here!
There Are Various Method to Earn online Let me demonstrate each -
1). Blogging-
You have listen or have watched many video on blogging and there are also various courses available for blogging .but there also you need to give hard work with your ability to analyse what the people wants to read through your blog.
I would rather say a news application is much better than blogging cause it always need your time to post and analyse news on the blooging website.
2).YouTube- Yeah sure I agree with this option .the only Reason is Just follow the trends and make A professional video and wait for the time to become it a trend if you feel like lucky.
but the question is how such video make revenue-
and here us the answer
through Google advertisement ' and sponsorship that any company give to the youtuber
3). Advertisement Inside the APP
You can earn a lot through Addmob or facebook audience Network.Just You Need to Build A app and publish it for Your user .
Darwinbark technology is an Expert Team In App And website Development Do Let Us know If You Are thinking for Any It Product.